Our Philosophy

What We Believe

Imagine that you have decided to join a gym, or even worse, that someone has made that decision for you.

Imagine that you have decided to join a gym, or even worse, that someone has made that decision for you. Maybe you need to reduce stress, lose weight, gain strength and coordination, or have another reason. And now imagine that the most scary place in the world to you is that gym. When you go there, you aren’t sure what to do. Everyone seems to do everything faster and better than you. On your own, you run for a bit on the treadmill, but quickly tire. The weight machines look very intimidating, so you avoid them. It becomes apparent very quickly that your gym membership is going nowhere quickly.

Now imagine that you meet a personal trainer. This person recognizes your anxiety and weaknesses but he or she also sees your potential. He or she clearly shows you what to do and won’t let you quit. At the end of your workout, you are so proud of yourself!

At Speak Freely Therapy Services, we are the “personal trainer for your brain”. Many of the individuals we support have anxiety. Many have tried therapy elsewhere and were unsuccessful. They often avoid tasks that require use of weaker skills, such as printing/hand-writing or talking with people. And they do not improve because they are not practicing in those areas. It can become a vicious circle. We believe that when clients pay for our services, we must facilitate the best results possible. That means that just like a personal trainer at the gym, we clearly teach, demonstrate and support our clients to help build their abilities. The results are quite often phenomenal! Individuals of all ages and abilities respond to having high expectations paired with consistent, positive support. They too are proud of what they can accomplish!

Our Office

149 Welham Road, Unit 19
Barrie, ON L4N 8Y3

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